Dimotiko Scholeio Egkomis 2 is located
in Engomi, a suburb of Nicosia. 185 pupils, aged between 6- 12,
attend the school
during this academic
year, whilst 21 ( 14 full time and 7 part time) teachers are fully employed plus 5 more,
non teaching staff.
The majority of the children in our school
come from a high socioeconomic background. The school
is thoroughly equipped
with all necessary educational and technological tools and applications (computers, broadband INTERNET
connection, video- projectors,
smart boards). In our school
we use different teaching methods
to achieve the best educational
results. The design
of games was
used during this
academic year to support learning.
This year the kids
designed and developed board games for
online safety. Then
the students who designed the games, used
them to train
younger student on online safety.
One of the teachers in our school (the coordinator) has attended during
her master studies
(San Diego State
University) a course for “Games
and Simulations for learning” and supports the above processes. In our school
we also, value tradition. As a result,
we teach kids how to play traditional games and we spend one day of the year,
to celebrate tradition and play traditional games. Moreover, we encourage kids
to play traditional
games during recess.
website: http://dim-egkomi2-lef.schools.ac.cy
email: dim-egkomi2-lef@schools.ac.cy